Welcome to Yak Palace!!
I'm not perfect. But I'm trying everyday to concentrate on being better. - Allen Iverson #3 forever.
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2008-10-29 置頂 歐桑點歌機開跑~ (679) (17)
2012-10-18 費城七六人12-13開季分析:尋找變動當中的不變 (2906) (4)
2012-01-17 New Looking 76ers' perfect season opening. (2238) (3)
2011-12-27 [NBA 11-12 Preview] 費城七六人 - Top Young Guns (2231) (3)
2011-07-07 [Basketball] About the Fxxking LOCKOUT. (4135) (5)
2009-01-29 [七六亂報-2] Elton Brand is available? (2097) (4)
2009-01-26 Andre Miller: 把80分的天賦變成95分表現的男人 (3727) (6)
2009-01-24 [七六亂報-1] 開張大吉。 (679) (4)
2009-01-23 低調的全能搖擺人: 漫談Deng, Granger, Iguodala (4647) (3)
2008-12-09 [公開女二級預賽] 失誤惹禍 單節崩盤 清大送掉半壁江山 (458) (0)
2008-11-13 從Kobe Bryant的招牌動作談持球面框三威脅姿勢 (24543) (12)
2008-11-04 [活塞金塊交易報導] 這一切,都跟靈魂有關。 (3307) (8)
2008-10-28 睡不著的雜感。 (1130) (1)
2008-10-25 Philadelphia 76ers 2008 preview. (1175) (2)
2008-09-15 [Hoop..忘記幾月的外稿]Not "Another AI" anymore - Andre Iguodala (4026) (1)
2008-07-14 Welcome to Philly, Elton Brand. (2397) (6)
2008-07-06 錢,真的一定要花嘛? (2336) (5)
2008-04-26 DET - PHI Game 3 Review: White Out Weekend Isn't Over yet. (1553) (3)
2008-04-26 [Hoop Taiwan 4月號外稿] 兄弟之城的奇蹟 (1205) (0)
2008-04-25 DET - PHI Game 2 review: Welcome to Detroit Basketball!! (1053) (0)
2008-04-21 DET - PHI Game 1 review: 奧本山靜悄悄。 (1564) (2)
2008-04-19 Pistons v.s Sixers - 滄海桑田,人事全非。 (1557) (7)
2008-04-17 "心痛的感覺"最新定義 (2116) (5)
2008-04-15 What do I think: Maurice Cheeks will be one of most powerful impact in COY race. (1528) (3)
2008-03-15 七六人不知道欠了幾個月的球隊報導。 (1443) (1)
2008-02-01 打破現狀迷思:Ed Stefanski 的藍圖。 (1491) (1)
2007-12-09 其實 Iverson 唱歌不錯聽..... (640) (2)
2007-12-07 [數據介紹] True Shooting % - 他真的很獨嗎? (5217) (5)
2007-12-01 Sixers' November Review: the farthest distance between the ball & the basket. (1584) (1)
2007-11-28 Time to trade Andre Miller? (2112) (1)
2007-11-19 雖然我知道我很無聊.... (613) (0)
2007-11-16 Super Joe, We miss you so much. (1586) (0)
2007-10-30 一些雜談 & about Chinese Blog Award. (529) (0)
2007-10-23 Derrick Byars was Waived by Sixers. (727) (0)
2007-10-19 Between the AI's - 剖析 Larry Brown - Maurice Cheeks 系統。 (3352) (8)
2007-10-18 Sixers Video Broadcaster (613) (0)
2007-10-09 2007-08 Philadelphia Sixers season preview. (2059) (0)
2007-10-04 Season 07-08: Kyle Korver 的天王山。 (3709) (1)
2007-10-04 [pixnet] 關於籃球邦。 (top) (617) (1)
2007-09-23 從Iverson跟Larry Brown的關係談Kirilenko部落格嗆聲事件。 (4069) (3)
2007-09-14 老王你太令我驚豔了!! (833) (3)
2007-09-08 [bullet] Dalembert Has Stress Fracture In Foot (433) (0)
2007-09-06 續:重建中的球隊,尚未過渡完成的Roster。 (853) (2)
2007-09-04 孟達,你他媽雜碎! (2408) (1)
2007-09-03 賭博疑雲不是現在才有? orz (356) (0)
2007-08-27 重建中的球隊,尚未過渡完成的Roster。 (833) (3)
2007-08-19 sorry for my bloging postponed. (309) (1)
2007-08-13 以下是七六人迷對老王的控訴與怒吼! (1293) (1)
2007-08-12 Big Ticket landing Beamtown, bombing Atlantics. - 2 (3309) (2)
2007-08-11 Some news, 雖然不一定是最新的。 (386) (1)
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